Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Well, Hello There!

Well, Hello There...

cute gifs photo: cute OMGPuppy.gif

     Welcome to this blog. It probably won't amount to much, and more often than not-- it will be neglected. I just wanted a place to write down my thoughts as well as get some possible feedback from the internet. I love the internet. These days its so freeing, although there is the crowd that likes to bag on every mistake. I guess they're what you call "haters". But, enough about that. Let's get back to the welcome party shall we? 


    First things first, my name is CJ. I am a college student that lives in LA, but I still live with my family. That means, I'm pretty much chained to my home. Although most college freshman have had a number of encounters by now, I am not one of them. I can honestly say that I have never encountered the situation where I was offered booze or drugs. I guess I've been pretty lucky at keeping myself away from that. Now I'm not saying that I am totally against those "hobbies", I just never had the chance in which to do so. I do get curious from time to time especially when I meet with my old high school friends and they tell me all about there wild nights. Perhaps it will just come for me later. 

Secondly, I am interested in a lot of nerdy and geeky things. LOTS. TONS. SHIP LOADS! Here's just a small list of what those things are: 

  • Korean pop music (yes, I know. A lot of it is pretty dreadful, but I can dig it)
  • SHINee ( a K-pop boy band. My all time favorite)
  • YouTube (don't even get me started at how much about this I know)
  • Cat videos
  • Puppy videos

How did I get here? Well, I made a tumblr, but its not much of a blogging site anymore. It's just a bunch of funny, quirky, and some cringeworthy photo reblogging. I came here to release my thoughts. I came here because I wanted to create a place for others to look at when they're bored at 3 in the morning (which is the time in which I have been typing this). And I just wanted to start something and continue it. Just like most people in my age group, I pick something up and never see it through. I guess I'm setting up a challenge for myself. If I can continue this, and even make it better or  --LEVEL UP-- then it proves to me that a lazy ass can even complete something.